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maybe a pink tie.
an intuative zine of controlled chaos and the chaotically controlled.
With a background in anarcho-feminism and being a self-proclaimed intersectional anarchist, I researched how elements of control can become apparent through chaos. I started this process by watching a clip by Adam Curtis on Vladislav Surkov, which showed examples of how control can be seized through mass confusion and destabilizing humxn perceptions, using a non-linear economy as a method of enabling individual powerlessness. I then read excerpts from Acid Communism by Mark Fisher. The main point that I took away from this piece is the seemingly obvious realization that we, as a capitalist society, are given immeasurable and, at times, shallow choices that distract us from the real issues consuming us. Fisher then explains how the best form of capital obstruction is that of community care, joy and production. Finally, I read The Politics of Chaos Theory, which looks into chaos metaphors as a literary device, thereby delineating chaos theory from science to literature and using this method to move from a scientific definition of history to a literary engagement in discourse.

After this research process, I decided to work intuitively, which I find to be synonymous with the chaotic. I started collaging, trying to feel rather than think. I then found the collages lacking in something, which automatically made me want to write. However, I tried to stay within this realm of chaos and chaotic making. Instead of writing, I decided to go through some literature and cut out words that I found intuitively appealing. I then cut the words and pasted them together in ways that make little sense.

Once finalizing the content, I planned to make zines, as this is a traditional way of distributing both political information as well as right-wing propaganda. Once starting this process, it became clear to me that I would instead be working with experimental printing and binding, so that’s what I did.